
...what's your motivational gifting?

We all have a gifting. The motivational giftings, listed in Romans 12, though they are gifts from the Lord, they are inside the human person. Christians and non-Christians alike carry these giftings to bless those around them and to bless those of the Household of Faith. These are built within the soul, and everyone has one.
I want to know which one you have. Be honest; don't list that which you wish you had. No one gift is better than another! What would the body of Christ be like if everyone was the same?
Also, I'll tell you that these gifts are pretty obvious. The two giftings I possess are so strong in me that most people that know me well don't even have to think about it. And as I think of others that I am close to, at least 1 gifting stands out in my mind as an obvious selection.
Comment and tell me which gift you have!
If you aren't really sure, do more reaserch on the gifts; you'll figure it out soon enough.
Hint: the best way to figure out your gifting is by looking at it's weaknesses. :D

PROPHESYING: I Corinthians 12:28, Acts 14:23
Sees right to the heart of a issue. They are motivated to reveal what is true; They are concerned with revealing the other persons motives; They have a natural "discernment".
Revealing unrighteous motives or actions by presenting truth. They have an ability to discern people’s character and motives. They often have an urgency to speak plainly and persuasively with a capacity to identify, define, and hate evil. There is a willingness to experience and prompt brokenness. They have a real concern for God’s reputation and can bring to light things previously concealed.
-It is hard to keep silence when they feel truth is being twisted or hidden or offended.
-They usually lack tact
-They need to learn to speak the truth in love
-They need to know "when" to speak. Proper channels of "who" to speak to

SERVING: Luke 23:50-54, Romans 12:7, 16:1-16, Philippians 2:19-23
The function of demonstrating love by meeting practical needs. In a server, there is a will to fulfill needs regardless of weariness. They have a real capacity to be involved in many activities and often too many causing frustration at limitation of time. They have a desire for appreciation which is fulfilled by serving others. They have an ability to recall likes and dislikes of people and often enjoy short range goals better than long range goals. They have an ability to detect insincerity and usually are not gifted at public speaking. They are willing to let others have the credit.
-Their motives are often misunderstood
-Trying to "be seen" or "showing off"

-Easily offended if you don’t show them appreciation.
-They look down their noses at people who don’t see the physical needs.

TEACHING: Matthew 5:1-12, Acts 18:24-48, Romans 12:7, I Corinthians 12:28
Is motivated to validate truth, wants to know "why" "how" "when" "where". Likes to know facts details. Searching out and systematically presenting truth. They have a delight in research in order to validate truth. They present truth in a systematic sequence. They have a resistance to Bible illustration out of context. They almost receive a greater joy researching than presenting truth and often spend hours in research. They have an appreciation for preciseness of words, and believe their gift is foundational to all other gifts.

-Much detail, more info than you could ever use-Great difficulty communicating the practical use of their knowledge
-Easily offended & critical

EXHORTATION: John 14:1, II Timothy 1:16-18, III John 5-8
Is motivated to be on top of any situation, is not easily discouraged. To stimulate faith and encourage growth in others. They have a tendency to avoid theoretical speculation that lacks practical application. They have an urgency to see specific action. They have an ability to see tribulation as an aid to maturity. Often, they have an insistence on outward proof for inner conviction and take delight in personal counseling. They tend to be positive and their emphasis is practical and personal, encouraging a person to pursue a specific course of conduct. They discover insights from human experience which can be validated and amplified in scripture. This might be called the gift of encouragement toward personal progress. They tend to be greatly loved because people are drawn towards them.  
-They often won’t let you grieve
-Often lack empathy
-Very mind over matter
-Can run over or ignore the work of the Holy Spirit.
-They skip "process"
-Easily offended

GIVING: Luke 21:1-4, Romans 12:8, II Corinthians 9:6-15
Helping to meet the material needs of others. They have an ability to make wise purchases and investments. They have a desire to give quietly to effective projects. Sometimes they attempt to use their own giving to motivate others to give. They have joy when their own giving is an answer to prayer. They have a desire to feel part of the supported cause. They are often looking for needs and spending their life on others. They have an ability to organize their personal business in order to gain assets, and usually are not too thrilled to receive but prefer to give. They have a tendency to overlook long range goals in meeting immediate needs.

-The motivation to make money & handle money properly opens a door for hording and stinginess
-Can give everything away and not take care of themselves
-The giver is offended: if you don’t listen to their financial advice, debt offends them, lack of financial planning…

Romans 12:8, John 21:15-17, II Timothy 4:1-5
The Administrator is great at making an almost instant evaluation of a problem and assign steps of action to solve the problem. Delegate people to handle it, fully capable of making adjustments as they go. To co-ordinate the activities of others for the common goal. They have an ability to see the overall picture and know what can or cannot be delegated. They have a tendency to stand on the sidelines until those in charge turn over responsibility to them. They have a willingness to endure reactions from critics. They look at people as resources. The have a desire to complete the task as quickly as possible. If there is not structure they will assume leadership. They have an ability to distinguish major objectives and help those around them to visualize the situation. They have fulfillment in seeing all the pieces fit together. They have an ability to distinguish major objectives and help those around them to visualize the situation. They have fulfillment in seeing all the pieces fit together. They have a tendency to overlook major character faults in those who can help them achieve their goals. They have a tendency to us people to accomplish goals rather then meeting personal needs.
-The administrator can manipulate, control, or even dominate others, subconsciously
- They "expect you to do your job"
-Won't listen to the imput of others, won’t let you finish your point
-They think they already know what you’re going to say; jump to conclusions
-Extremely impatient
-Offended if you don’t obey them or if you question their command 

MERCY: Matthew 25:34-36, Luke 7:12-15, 10:30-37; Romans 12:8
Identifying with and comforting those who are in distress. They have an ability to sense joy or distress and are attracted to people in trouble. They have a desire to remove hurts and to bring healing. They have a sensitively to inconsiderate words and actions. They are often closed to insincere and insensitive people. They have a greater concern for mental pain than physical pain. They sometimes avoid firmness until it is evident that it will bring healing. They desire to meet the sympathetic and emotional needs of the body.

Very compassionate, empathetic, loyal, forgiving…

-Can be totally blind to the faults of the person they are working with
-Constantly offended for others

Romans 12:9-21;
"Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves. Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.
Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse. Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn. Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited.
Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone. If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone...
“If your enemy is hungry, feed him;
if he is thirsty, give him something to drink.
In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head.”
Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good."


  1. In descending order: Leadership, Teaching, Prophesy. When I was reading the Leadership one it was like I was reading a description of myself. I've always, usually subconsciously, assumed a leadership role in whatever project I'm involved with (drives my brother crazy). Teaching, definitely. Probably the most irritating and annoying thing to me is when people use Bible passages out of context, whether that context be the verses and chapters around it or the context of the culture and time it was written. Prophesy isn't as strong in me as the other two but I can definitely see it. I have conversations with people all the time where I can discern what is really going on behind their words and speak to that.

  2. I definately see leadership and teaching in you, Noah.

    Prophesy is dominate for me. My parents used to laugh at me and shake their heads when we would talk about controversial issued I disagreed with...I never understood why they found my intense annoyance and frusteration so funny.
    Now I know all that was was my prophetic gifting showing through. It's nice to be old enough to undestand things, you know. Now I also know why I'm so verbal and people ALWAYS feel judged by me. :D
    Next is leadership. I wasn't sure whether to put this one top or bottom; both show through and both are huge contributers to my personality. I even have it bad enough that I don't enjoy myself (playing games, doing projects) if I don't have a leadership role. I can see what needs done, and can figure out how to accomplish it.
    Next...I don't know. There are a couple more I can see traces of myself in, and I don't know which one. Mom sees teaching, dad sees serving...?

    Anyway. :)

  3. Hi, my name is Emmie I have a new blog check it out
