
....what's Christmas really about?

Bobby [Aubrey]; Alright, Cj, work with me for a minute. Tell me what Christmas is really about.
Bobby; Is it about the presents?
Cj; ::3 year old little boy thinks a second:: Yea.
Bobby; No, tell me the story of Jesus.
Cj; Well, Jesus was born. And he died on the cross, Bobby!
Bobby; Really?! What day was a he born?
Cj; December 8th.
Bobby; Wasn't Jesus born on Christmas?
Cj; Yes.
Bobby; But Christmas isn't on December 8th!
Cj; Yuhuh. Christmas is December 8th.
Bobby; ::sigh:: Tell me a little more about Jesus.
Cj; We sinned.
Bobby; Who?
Cj; Us! We did! We sinned!
Bobby; What did Jesus do because we sinned?
Cj; Died on the cross!
Bobby; What did he do on the cross?
Cj; He put our sin away.
Bobby; Was Jesus born because we sinned?
Cj; No, Jesus was born because he had to die on the cross.
Bobby; Do you know what sin is?
Cj; No.
::long pause::
Cj; Actually, I do. It's the ugly stuff we do. I did ugly stuff, Mom did ugly stuff, everyone did ugly stuff. Papaw, Munah, Daddy, Whitney, Alex; everybody!
Bobby; Where was Jesus born?
Cj; In a stable! There was a kitty, cow...wait, no kittys! Sheep. There was sheep. When do I get my cookie?
Bobby; In just a second. Stop playing with the computer mouse. Now. Who came to see Jesus when he was born?
Cj; Shepherds.
Bobby; Very good. Now we really know the story of Christmas.
Cj; Bobby...now do I get my cookie?
Bobby; Yes.
Cj; Will you put my story where everyone can see it? My friends, your friends, and Munuh?
Bobby; Yeap.
Cookie time, everyone.

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