
...this one's for the girls

A few weeks ago, one of my teachers was telling us that at the beginning of every school year, he reads his new class a list of "warnings" and "tips" given to us by the previous class; "a little help from those who've done it." After his comments regarding the fact that the students [without fail] forget about it immediately and ignore the tips, I asked him if he also read MY CLASS tips from last school years' alumni. Of course, we were among those that didn't listen; not only that, but not one of us even had a vague memory of getting any input from the previous class.
Go figure.

Now. Even though I honestly have no idea what my very nice friends had to say to me last year, I bet it would have helped me out this year. Wish I would have listened.
Honestly, I'm one of those people that thinks they can do it all and hates getting help [oldest child syndrome]. But I can honestly look back over my life- and my class -and say that I regret not listening.
"The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool."
-William Shakespeare, "As You Like It"

Gleanings for the Hungry (That's me, second from left)
Speaking of listening, my little sister has a lot of friends her age. They are not a ton younger than me, but they are younger, and I'm a few steps ahead of them in life stages. And btw, I love them all like my own sisters. <3
This got me thinking. If I could say anything to those girls...what would it be? Well, obviously the basics, please read your Bible, please pray, please don't sass your mother[seriously!], etc.

Let's start with the white horse story. We all know the tale of the girl who is in trouble, and the prince[whom she has known for a grand total of 48 hours] shows up [how he knew where she was, I have NO idea], takes her away to his castle and there they live happily ever after [my mother always likes to finish the story with a tale about a divorce and a fierce court battle over property rights, but that's beside the point].

The world tells us to be consistently on the lookout for this prince. And although I honestly don't think it's legal for horses to be in the Battle Ground city limits without some sort of permit, I think most people, girl and boy, are excited for that day when "the ONE!" will show up.

I think the first thing that should be said is this; what you win them with is what you win them to. Girls, you want a good husband. You want a godly husband. You want someone that will lead your home following the will of G-d. Frankly, that kind of person will not be attracted to sexy, revealing clothing. That's a turnoff for just the person you're looking for.
I never understood this. And it really got on my nerves. My mom [oh, ever a wise person!], even when I wasn't being immodest...I wasn't giving off the right spirit in my dress. You catch the bait you put out for. Girls, put out bait for the right kind of boy, right kind of friends, and right kind of witness. Be precious- be set apart. Look different than all the other girls. It'll be worth it.
[Don't get me wrong, we don't only dress modestly for the benefit of our future marriage relationships, but also for our witness as Christians and striving to love our brothers in Christ...]

Really, the main thing I want to say is this; STOP focusing on finding the right guy. I read a quote once that said;
"Instead of searching for the perfect guy...why not become the perfect woman and let him find you?"

This idea totally hit home for me. It seems that we are all so focused on looking, that we stop focusing on being the person worth finding. If you want a godly guy, become a godly girl. Wait on G-d, and wait patiently for your partner. If that's His will for you, G-d'll bring Him around eventually. In the meantime, build life skills, your relationship with G-d, and fill up that hope chest of yours. 
And guys; although you are the initiator in a relationship, the same goes for you. If you want a godly girl, become a godly guy. Build a strong relationship with G-d first, before you mount that horse.

Whoever she is, she'll be patiently waiting for you just around the corner.

1 comment:

  1. as a guy let me say that this is (in the words of David Knopp) "spot on".
